XXV RiNEm 2024

The “XXV Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo” will take place in the beautiful city of Viareggio (Lucca), from September 30 to October 2, 2024. It is organized by the Società Italiana di Elettromagnetismo (SIEm).

RiNEm 2024 will provide an excellent contact point for researchers working on Applied Electromagnetics. It will also represent an opportunity for the exchange of professional experiences among young researchers from Universities and Research Centers. The conference will be jointly organized with the 2024 URSI Italian National Meeting.

Visit the SIEm website! (https://www.elettromagnetismo.it/)


Welcome message from the SIEm President

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to the 25th Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo (RiNEm).

This year’s RiNEm program is exceptionally rich and significant, featuring sixteen scientific sessions, including a poster session, three plenary sessions, two roundtables, and three special events. Designed to foster stimulating discussions, encourage the cross-fertilization of ideas, and broaden our perspectives, the program comprehensively explores the challenges and opportunities in both theoretical and applied electromagnetics research.

Among the highlights of the program are contributions from representatives of institutions and industries, as well as researchers from neighbouring scientific communities. A special session dedicated to “The Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the Country System” will feature the President of ANVUR and the Presidents of national scientific societies in the field of Information Engineering. For the first time, they will convene to discuss the current role and prospects of ICT in Italy.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Giuliano Manara, the local organizing committee he has coordinated, the XXV RiNEm organizing committee, and the SIEm Board of Directors for their exceptional dedication and hard work in making this event possible.

I believe that this year’s National Meeting fully embodies the original spirit of RiNEm, which is to serve as a vibrant hub for our scientific community, promoting open and inclusive dialogue in a welcoming environment that enriches all participants.

I extend a warm invitation to our young researchers and students, who represent the future of our scientific community. The 25th RiNem offers a unique opportunity for you to engage with leading experts in the field, learn from their experiences, and actively contribute your ideas to the scientific debate. Your presence is essential for the growth and advancement of our scientific community.

Best wishes for a fruitful and stimulating 25th RiNEm!


Alessandro Toscano
President, SIEm


Welcome message from the RiNEm 2024 General Chair

On behalf of the Steering Committee and of the Organizing Committee, I am very glad to invite you to the 25th edition of the “Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo (RiNEm)”, which will take place in the beautiful city of Viareggio (Lucca), from the 29th of September to the 2nd of October 2024.

Along with its wonderful beaches against the backdrop of the Apuan Alps, Viareggio offers amazing nightlife and shopping opportunities for its visitors. It is also the perfect location for calming beach days of relax, amid rolling hills and picturesque farmhouses. The main reasons for its fame are the luxurious beach resorts and the annual carnival event. This is why it is also known as “Città del Carnevale” (Carnival Town).

This year, RiNEm is organized by the University of Pisa Unit of SIEm (Italian Society on Electromagnetics). The symposium will be held at the conference centre “Principino Eventi”, located in the heart of Viareggio.

Viareggio is easily reachable by train, since all the trains running through the western costal line make a stop at Viareggio’s railway station.

Don’t miss the opportunity to visit Viareggio and its surroundings! I am looking forward to meeting you at the conference!


Giuliano Manara
General Chair of RiNEm 2024


Keynote speakers

The importance of the research in Advanced Electromagnetics for 5G and 6G wireless communication systems: an industry view

Roberto Flamini, Huawei Technologies Italia Research Center
Monday, September 30, 2024

The European Chips Act, a challenge and an opportunity for the Italian semiconductor ecosystem

Prof. Enrico Sangiorgi, Fellow IEEE, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Role of Electromagnetism in Quantum Technologies

Prof. Massimo Macucci, Università di Pisa
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Call for papers

Conference Topics

The meeting covers all areas of electromagnetics and its applications, including (but not limited to):

  • Analytical, Numerical and Hybrids Methods
  • Antenna Theory and Design
  • Bioelectromagnetics
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility and Metrology
  • Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
  • EM Channel Modelling and Characterization
  • Enabling EM Technologies for the IoT
  • Innovating Teaching and Learning Methods in Electromagnetics
  • Metasurfaces and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
  • Microwave, Mm-Wave and THz Imaging
  • Optics and Photonics
  • RFID Systems
  • Sensing Systems and Devices
  • Antenna Arrays, Feeding Networks and Beamforming Techniques
  • Artificial Intelligence in EM Applications
  • Computational Electromagnetics
  • Electromagnetic Quantum Technologies
  • EM Applications in Logistics, Medicine and Security
  • EM Imaging and Inverse Scattering Problems
  • Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer
  • Metamaterials and Engineered Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena
  • Microwave, Mm-Wave and THz Components and Circuits
  • Optical Components and Circuits
  • Radar and Remote Sensing
  • Scattering and Diffraction
  • Technologies for Smart Electromagnetic Environments

Info for authors

  • The deadline for paper submission is Friday May 31, 2024 Monday 10 June, 2024
  • Authors are invited to submit papers in PDF format, with a minimum length of two pages and a maximum length of four pages.
  • Final version of your manuscript must be submitted via the following google form:
  • Instructions for Authors and manuscript templates can be found HERE
  • During the conference, the Barzilai, Sannino, Latmiral, Someda prizes will be awarded. Moreover, the Sorrentino prize will be awarded in the framework of the co-located 2024 URSI Italian National Meeting. Detailed instructions for applying to the prizes are available here.

Important dates

  • Paper submission deadline: May 31, 2024, extended to June 10, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: June 18, 2024, June 28, 2024
  • Manuscript final version submission: July 14, 2024
  • Registration opening: June 28, 2024 (early bird registration within July, 20, July 28)
  • Conference: September 30 – October 2, 2024



Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


URSI Italian National Committee

Become a RiNEm sponsor!

Would you like to sponsor the conference? Please contact: info.rinem24@dii.unipi.it